Monday 18 February 2013


Big Brother Africa is huge! It can do wonders for anyone's career. Goldie realised this and used it to propel herself to her dreams. To be honest, before BBA, i had never heard of her. But after? Prezzo's friend really new what she wanted out of BBA and she took it!
Think about it, have you heard of anything from the rest of the BBA fraternity? Barbs who had that unadulterated venom for Prezzo is back to being irrelevant. The way she spoke and had alot to say about who she is and what it is that she does and will do even going as far as speaking denigratingly about Goldie's affection for Prezzo but she came out on top!
Goldie released a new track "Skibobo" just about a month ago and it already has over 700,000 hits on Youtube! Where is the worldly Barbs and Zainab? Yet the seemingly naive Goldie has gone further! Why is that? It's because Goldie was smarter. She was keener. Her acumen told her how to use the exposure she received from BBA.
And i dare say that save for her and Gaetano, no one has come close to milking BBA for all it's worth! Gaetano left with the girl and went on to build a successful career for himself whether it was behind a microphone or TV camera. Goldie was just that girl! I wish her life wasn't cut short so we could see how a real celebrity takes advantage of such opportunities!

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